Important Information about New Deadline for Submitting Supporting Documents for Students who live with Individuals who have Serious Underlying Conditions

Apr 28, 2021

Dear Parents,

According to the attached Ministry of Education circular, no. 48137/ΓΔ4/27-04-2021,  the new deadline for the submission of paperwork to the School's Director  (application – supporting documents in a sealed envelope, etc.) for students  who live with individuals who have serious underlying conditions and wish to justify absences from in-person lessons is Wednesday, May 12, 2021.

Schools have been ordered to send the files to the relevant authorities on Thursday, May 13, 2021. 

The procedure to justify absences is identical to the one outlined in previous communications (4.15.2021 and 4.16.2021).

For your convenience, we attach below all the relevant files containing instructions, which you are kindly requested to read carefully.

You may submit your paperwork from Monday, May 10, 2021 to Wednesday, May 12, 2021 to the guard at the Filothei Gate, located on Bizaniou Street.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Panagiotis Giannoulatos
Psychico College
High School Director

