The Summer Camp Programs in the Kantza campus welcome children who have just graduated from Pre-K (5 years old) to children who have just graduated from Grade 6 (12 years old).


We offer a choice between three different programs:


  • Athletic Program (the camp language is Greek): from Pre-K to Grade 6, choice of sport in the morning (3rd to 6th Grade) and age appropriate clubs in the afternoon.

Duration: Wednesday June 19 to Wednesday July 10

  • English Summer Camp (the camp language is English): from Pre-K to Grade 6. We offer two choices, either Keep Fit or Be Creative, in the morning and age-appropriate clubs in the afternoon.

Duration: Wednesday June 19 to Wednesday July 10

  • Chinese Program: from Grade 3 to Grade 6. In the morning, we offer a first contact with the Chinese language and civilization. Camp teachers speak Mandarin, English and Greek. In the afternoon the children have a choice between the Athletic clubs in Greek or the English clubs in English. The Camp is aimed at absolute beginners, but if there are sufficient registrations we will created a group for children who have a basic and/or intermediate knowledge of Mandarin.

Duration: Wednesday June 19 to Wednesday July 3


All the children take part in activities such as Swimming, Water Basket, Water Polo, Stand Up Paddle (SUP), Safe Water Sports, Triathlon (swim, run, cycle), Relay Races, Forrest Games, Creations, Camping Activities, Cycling, 4th July BBQ, and a celebration where they share their achievements during camp with other campers.

Please note that the Summer Camp will be close on Bank Holiday Monday June 24, 2024.



  • 3 weeks - €880*
  • 2 weeks - €750
  • 1 week - €440

* The cost has been reduced from €1.050 to €880 thanks to a generous donation by an anonymous member of the Athens College community. The donation is made in order to allow as many children as possible to enjoy a creative and fun summer.

The cost includes

  • Transport with school buses
  • Snack and lunch (cooked meal)
  • Overnight stay in tents (for Grades 4, 5 and 6)
  • Day trip


Click here to download the instructions for completing the online registration form (please read)

The online registration form includes registration for the school bus service.

Registrations close:

  • Wednesday June 12 at 12:00 for the first week, 19/06/24 – 26/06/24
  • Friday June 21 at 12:00 for the second week, 27/06/24 – 03/07/24
  • Friday June 28 at 12:00 for the third week, 04/07/24 – 10/07/24


In writing to [email protected]

Cancellations after the end of the registration period incur a fee of 50% of the cost of the Camp.

Fee payment

The Finance office of the School will send you a unique payment reference number.


Practical Information

  • The Camp starts at 9am, we welcome children on campus from 8:30 onwards.
  • The Camp ends at 17:00, at which time all children depart either by school bus or pick up.
  • Applications to collect children before the end of the Camp must be made in writing to [email protected] before 13:00 the preceding working day. Children are collected under their parents’ responsibility, at 14:00 from the Summer Camp Secretary Office in Kantza.
  • Registration for the school bus service is done via the Camp online registration form. Any and all requests for changes must be made in writing to the Transport Office, [email protected].
  • Requests for bus changes, bus stop changes or pick up collection must be made in writing to [email protected], before 13:00 the previous working day.


Special Programs Secretariat

Email: [email protected]
Psychico campus numbers: 210 6798192, from 09:00 to 15:00
Kantza campus numbers 210 6798100, extension 52209 & 51119, from 09:00 to 17:00
Mobiles: 6973 836899 & 6982 193676